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Really Easy Piano - 24 velkých hitů z kreslených filmů Walta Disneyho pro hráče na klavír
Autor | Kolektiv autorů |
Kód | MUSAM982784 |
EAN | 9781846090431 |
Obtížnost | Mírně pokročilý |
Žánr | pop, filmová hudba, přednes |
Vydavatel | Wise Publications |
Počet stran | 48 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
Velikost | 230x300x10 mm |
Dostupnost | do 3 - 6 pracovních dnů |
Série titulů Really Easy Piano obsahuje řadu sešitů ve velmi jednoduché úpravě pro klavír. Všechny skladby jsou v úpravě melodická linka s textem, akordové značky. Před každou skladbou je krátký popisek, včetně tipů a rad jak skladbu co nejlépe zahrát.
Tento sešit obsahuje 24 velkých hitů z kreslených filmů Walta Disneyho, muzikálů a dalších filmů.
A Whole New World (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan]
Beauty And The Beast (Beauty And The Beast) [Ashman, Howard] [Menken, Alan]
Cabaret (Cabaret) [Kander, John] [Ebb, Fred]
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (Show Boat) [Kern, Jerome]
Circle Of Life (The Lion King) [John, Elton]
Close Every Door (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)
[Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Evita) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Happy Talk (South Pacific) [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar]
If I Were A Rich Man (Fiddler On The Roof) [Bock, Jerry]
Luck Be A Lady (Guys And Dolls) [Loesser, Frank]
Matchmaker (Fiddler On The Roof) [Bock, Jerry]
Memory (Cats) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
My Favourite Things (The Sound Of Music) [Rodgers, Richard]
[Hammerstein, Oscar]
On My Own (Les Miserables) [Schonberg, Claude-michel]
One (A Chorus Line) [Hamlisch, Marvin] [Keblan, Ed]
Superstar (Jesus Christ Superstar) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Tell Me It's Not True (Blood Brothers) [Russell, Willy]
The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book) [Gilkyson, Terry]
The Candy Man (Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) [Bricusee,
Leslie] [Newley, Anthony]
The Last Night Of The World (Miss Saigon) [Schonberg, Claude-michel
The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd
The Phantom Of The Opera (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd
Webber, Andrew]
The Time Warp (The Rocky Horror Show) [O'brien, Richard]
Who Will Buy (Oliver!) [Bart, Lionel]
(Zobrazit více)
Beauty And The Beast (Beauty And The Beast) [Ashman, Howard] [Menken, Alan]
Cabaret (Cabaret) [Kander, John] [Ebb, Fred]
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (Show Boat) [Kern, Jerome]
Circle Of Life (The Lion King) [John, Elton]
Close Every Door (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)
[Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Don't Cry For Me Argentina (Evita) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Happy Talk (South Pacific) [Rodgers, Richard] [Hammerstein, Oscar]
If I Were A Rich Man (Fiddler On The Roof) [Bock, Jerry]
Luck Be A Lady (Guys And Dolls) [Loesser, Frank]
Matchmaker (Fiddler On The Roof) [Bock, Jerry]
Memory (Cats) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
My Favourite Things (The Sound Of Music) [Rodgers, Richard]
[Hammerstein, Oscar]
On My Own (Les Miserables) [Schonberg, Claude-michel]
One (A Chorus Line) [Hamlisch, Marvin] [Keblan, Ed]
Superstar (Jesus Christ Superstar) [Lloyd Webber, Andrew]
Tell Me It's Not True (Blood Brothers) [Russell, Willy]
The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book) [Gilkyson, Terry]
The Candy Man (Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory) [Bricusee,
Leslie] [Newley, Anthony]
The Last Night Of The World (Miss Saigon) [Schonberg, Claude-michel
The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd
The Phantom Of The Opera (The Phantom Of The Opera) [Lloyd
Webber, Andrew]
The Time Warp (The Rocky Horror Show) [O'brien, Richard]
Who Will Buy (Oliver!) [Bart, Lionel]