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BURGMÜLLER: Collected Studies For Piano, Op.100, Op.105, Op.109Mohlo by Vás také zajímat
BURGMÜLLER: Collected Studies For Piano, Op.100, Op.105, Op.109
Autor | Louis Oesterle |
Kód | HL50490030 |
EAN | 9781423490739 |
Obtížnost | Obtížný |
Vydavatel | SCHIRMER, Inc. |
Počet stran | 105 |
Jazyk | Angličtina |
Velikost | 230x300x10 mm |
Druh | Book [Softcover] |
Dostupnost | do 3 - 6 pracovních dnů |
Johann Friedrich Burgmüller (1806-1874) by německý klavírista a hudební skladatel. Po roce 1832 se trvale usadil v Paříži, kde jeho lehký a intimní hudební styl byl v té době velmi populární. Tento titul Vám nabízí 55 skladeb, studií a etud ze tří jeho populárních sešitů - Opus 100 (25 skladeb se stoupající obtížnosti), Opus 105 (12 melodických studií) a Opus 109 (18 charakteristických etud).
Berceuse (Lullaby)
Ave Maria
Twenty-Five Progressive Studies, Op. 100, Books I And Iiâla Candeur (Frankness)
La Pastorale
La Petite Rúunion (The Little Party)
Progrçs (Progress)
Le Ourant Limpide (The Limpid Stream)
La Gracieuse (Grace)
La Chasse (The Chase)
Tendre Fleur (Tender Blossom)
La Bergeronnette (The Wagtail)
L'Adieu (The Farewell)
La Styrienne
Douce Plainte (Tender Grieving)
La Babillarde (The Chatterbox)
Inquiútude (Concern)
La Tarentelle (Tarentella)
L'Harmonie Des Anges (The Harmony Of The Angels)
Le Retour (The Return)
L'Hirondelle (The Swallow)
La Chevaleresque (Spirit Of Chivalry)
Twelve Brilliant And Melodious Studies, Op. 105, Books I And Ii
Eighteen Characteristic Studies, Op. 109, Books I And Iiâconfidence
Les Perles (The Pearls)
Le Retour Du Pôtre (The Shepherd's Return)
Les Bohúmiens (The Gypsies)
La Source (The Spring)
L'Enjouúe (The Light-Hearted Maiden)
La Cloche Des Matines (The Matin Bell)
La Vúlocite (Velocity)
La Súrúnade (Serenade)
Le Rúveil Dans Les Bois (Awakening In The Woods)
L'Orage (The Storm)
Refrain Du Gondolier (The Gondolier's Refrain)
Les Sylphes (Sylphs)
La Súparation (Parting)
Marche (March)
La Fileuse (At The Spinning Wheel)
(Zobrazit více)
Ave Maria
Twenty-Five Progressive Studies, Op. 100, Books I And Iiâla Candeur (Frankness)
La Pastorale
La Petite Rúunion (The Little Party)
Progrçs (Progress)
Le Ourant Limpide (The Limpid Stream)
La Gracieuse (Grace)
La Chasse (The Chase)
Tendre Fleur (Tender Blossom)
La Bergeronnette (The Wagtail)
L'Adieu (The Farewell)
La Styrienne
Douce Plainte (Tender Grieving)
La Babillarde (The Chatterbox)
Inquiútude (Concern)
La Tarentelle (Tarentella)
L'Harmonie Des Anges (The Harmony Of The Angels)
Le Retour (The Return)
L'Hirondelle (The Swallow)
La Chevaleresque (Spirit Of Chivalry)
Twelve Brilliant And Melodious Studies, Op. 105, Books I And Ii
Eighteen Characteristic Studies, Op. 109, Books I And Iiâconfidence
Les Perles (The Pearls)
Le Retour Du Pôtre (The Shepherd's Return)
Les Bohúmiens (The Gypsies)
La Source (The Spring)
L'Enjouúe (The Light-Hearted Maiden)
La Cloche Des Matines (The Matin Bell)
La Vúlocite (Velocity)
La Súrúnade (Serenade)
Le Rúveil Dans Les Bois (Awakening In The Woods)
L'Orage (The Storm)
Refrain Du Gondolier (The Gondolier's Refrain)
Les Sylphes (Sylphs)
La Súparation (Parting)
Marche (March)
La Fileuse (At The Spinning Wheel)